Mom’s Favorite Reads

Mom’s Favorite Reads eMagazine December 2018

Earlier this year, in partnership with authors Ronesa Aveela and Denise McCabe, I created Mom’s Favorite Reads, one of the highlights of my publishing year.


What is Mom’s Favorite Reads?

*It’s a community of book lovers

* A monthly magazine featuring some of the biggest names in the entertainment world alongside the best in modern publishing

*A book catalogue containing over 400 books, including many bestsellers and award-winners

*A website with dedicated author pages

*A reading group where readers can discover new authors

*A partner to major businessness including The Fussy Librarian and

* A fun way to promote books with items like our Advent Calendar and nominations to the Apple News Channel

* A community to support literacy amongst adults and children

This weekend, we published our December magazine. The magazine is available from all major retail platforms, including Amazon. You can also read the magazine, for free, here:

Featured items include:

* Acclaimed author Nicholas Rossis writing about encouraging children to read

* A young author, aged eleven, writing about his moving experiences

* Christmas in various parts of the world

* Coping with stress at Christmas

* Healthy eating at Christmas

* Ghost stories at Christmas

* Paddy, The Christmas Turkey, a fun festive tale

There is something in the magazine for everyone: short stories, articles, puzzles, recipes and more. Follow the link and have a read 🙂


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